About Printing Posting Journals and the G/L Transactions Report

Each time you post batches, Accounts Payable creates a journal of the entries from the batches you posted together. These posting journals are an essential part of your audit trail, because they provide a record of all posted details and of the related general ledger distributions.

You should keep your audit trail of posted transactions up to date by printing and filing each posting journal as it is created.

You should also print the G/L Transactions report as part of your period-end procedures. You are required to print these reports only once, before you close the year. (You cannot use the A/P Year End screen until you have printed all outstanding posting journals and created the general ledger transaction batch.)

If you carefully maintain and identify source documents, and print and file all batch listings, posting journals, and other audit trail reports, you will be able to trace any transaction from source to general ledger entry.