Printing the G/L Transactions Report

The G/L Transactions report is a list of the general ledger transactions created from all posted Accounts Payable batches, and from posted revaluations (in multicurrency ledgers).

You can print detailed or summary versions of the report. The content of the detailed report depends on the consolidation options selected on the G/L Integration screen. For example, if general ledger transactions are consolidated by account and fiscal period, the report shows a total for each general ledger account and fiscal period. If they are not consolidated, the report shows full details for each transaction.

For more information on the contents of this report, see A/P G/L Transactions Report.

When to Print

You should print this report:

To print the G/L Transactions report:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transaction Reports >  G/L Transactions.

  2. In the Select Batch Type field, select any or all of the Invoice, Payment, and Adjustment batch types. If you use multicurrency accounting, you can also select Revaluation.
  3. Use the From/To Posting Sequence fields to specify a range of posting sequence numbers for each batch type you selected.

    The latest posting sequence numbers are displayed in the To Posting Sequence field. You can accept them, or enter earlier numbers.

  4. Select additional options for the report using the following fields:

    • Report Format. Select Detail or Summary.
    • Sort By. If you are printing the detailed report, specify whether to list the transactions on the report by Account Number, Year/Period, or Batch/Entry Number.

      The summary report is sorted by general ledger account number.

    • Currency. If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to print amounts in each source currency or in the functional currency.
  5. Click Print.