A/P Optional Fields Screen

Select Yes in this field if you want the program to display the optional field and its default value on the screen for the type of optional field when you set up new records or enter transactions.
Select No if you do not want the optional field to appear automatically.
For example, if you define Transit Number as an optional field for Invoices and you select Yes in the Auto Insert field, the Transit Number field will appear automatically on the Invoice Entry screen.

Specify the value to display by default for the optional field.
If the optional field you selected requires validation, you must select a value that is defined for the optional field in Common Services. However, if the optional field allows blanks, you can leave the default value field blank.
If the optional field does not use validation, you can do one of the following:
- Select a value that is defined for the optional field in Common Services.
- Leave the field blank.
- Enter a combination of alphanumeric or special characters and spaces. The entry must be consistent with the type of field (text, number, date, amount, and so on) and must not exceed the number of characters specified for the optional field. In a Yes/No field, you can enter only Yes or No.
When you specify a value that is defined in Common Services, the program displays the description for the value.

Specify the optional field codes you want to use for each type.
You can define an unlimited number of optional fields for each type, providing the optional fields are set up in Common Services for use in your system.
Note: If you want to retain optional field information from Accounts Payable transactions when you create batches for General Ledger, you must use the same optional fields for transactions in Accounts Payable as you use in General Ledger.
When you select an optional field code, the program displays the description for the optional field.

Specify the type of optional field you are defining:
- Vendors and Vendor Groups.
- Remit-to Locations.
- Invoices (invoice header optional fields).
- Invoice Details.
- Payments.
- Adjustments.
- Revaluation.

You select this option for an optional field if all the records or transactions to which you are adding the field must use the field.
If you make an optional field a required field, it must also be inserted automatically in new records or transactions. (You must use the Auto Insert option for the field.)

Double-click the Value Set column to indicate whether the optional field has a default value.
This column has two purposes:
- You must set the Value Set field to "Yes" to specify a default value for the optional field.
- The "Yes" flag provides information to the transaction-entry clerk, letting them know if the field contains default information.
Use the A/P Optional Fields screen to set up optional fields to use with Accounts Payable vendor records and transactions.
Note: After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.