Adding or Modifying an Optional Field
Optional Fields let you store custom information with records and transactions. You can define an unlimited number of optional fields for each type of Accounts Payable record or transaction, providing the optional fields are set up on the Optional Fields screen in Common Services.
You can change the default value and Auto Insert status for an optional field at any time. If the field is validated, you must select a value that is defined on the Optional Fields screen in Common Services.
Any change you make to an optional field affects only records or transactions added after you make the change.
Note: After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.

- Make sure that the optional field you want to use in Accounts Payable is set up for system-wide use on the Optional Fields screen in Common Services.
- If an optional field you want to delete is assigned to a record or a transaction, edit the record or transaction to remove the optional field, or post the batch that contains the transaction.
- After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.
To set up an optional field for use in Accounts Payable:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Optional Fields.
In the Optional Fields For field, select the type of record or transaction for which you are defining the optional field. More...
In the Optional Field field of the detail table, specify the optional field code or codes you want to use for the selected type. The program displays the description for the optional field you select.
Note: If you want to retain Accounts Payable optional field information when you create batches for General Ledger, you must use the same optional fields for transactions in Accounts Payable as you use in General Ledger.
If you want to specify a default value for the optional field:
- Select the Value Set column, and set the field to “Yes” for a selected optional field.
In the Default Value field, specify the value that the program will display as the default for the optional field. More...
When you specify a value from the Optional Fields screen in Common Services., the program displays the description for the value.
To indicate that the optional field must be used in the records and transactions for which it is created, double click the Required field.
During data entry, if an optional field is required and does not have a default value, you must fill in the field before you can proceed.
- To display the optional field and its default value when you set up new records or enter transactions on the screen for which you are defining the optional field, select Yes in the Auto Insert field.
Click the Edit icon
in the Settings field to specify additional settings for the optional field.
A separate screen appears, listing all the groups of accounts that are affected when you post transactions of the type for which you are defining the optional field. Use the screen to specify the account groups for which values pass to General Ledger when you post transactions that include the optional field.
- Click Save.
To edit an optional field:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Optional Fields.
- In the Optional Fields For field, select the type of record or transaction for which you are defining the optional field.
- Make the changes you need on the table.
- Click the Edit icon
in the Settings field to select the type of General Ledger accounts to which optional field information can be passed.
- Click Save.
To delete an optional field:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Optional Fields.
- In the Optional Fields For field, select the type of record or transaction for which you want to delete an optional field.
- On the table, select (highlight) the optional field that you want to remove.
Click Delete.
If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.