Printing Checks for a Batch of Payments
The most common way to print checks is using the Print/Post button on the A/P Payment Batch List screen or the Post button on the A/P Payment Entry Screen to print checks for an entire batch, and then immediately post the batch. More...
You can print checks while other users are printing checks, provided the check runs are for different payment batches.
When to Print
Print all the checks in a payment batch before posting the batch.

- Use the A/P Create Payment Batch screen to generate a payment batch using payment selection criteria.
- You can also use the A/P Payment Entry screen to enter the payments for which you want to print checks, and you can use the A/P Invoice Entry screen to enter prepayments when you enter invoices.
Important! When entering payments, specify a payment code that uses a Check payment type, and select the Print Check option.
- Print the payment batch listing. If the Force Listing Of Batches option is selected on the A/P Options screen, you must print listings before you can print and post checks.
- Determine the report format to use to print the checks and/or advices.
- Load your printer with sufficient check/advice stock to complete the check run, including alignment and leading checks.
To print checks and post the payment information to vendor accounts, you:
- Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Payment Batch List or Payment Entry.
- Select the batch for which you want to print checks.
- Click Print/Post on the Payment Batch List screen, or click Post on the Payment Entry screen.
If you are posting the payments, click Yes. More...
On the Print Checks screen, review the settings and the list of checks the program is ready to print. More...
- When you are ready to print the checks, click Print.
When printing is finished, it asks whether the checks were printed correctly.
- Review the checks, and then click Yes or No.
If you clicked No, click Select Reprint Range, specify a range of checks for reprinting, and then click Reprint.
After you click Yes to accept the check run (or the advice run, if printing advices), Accounts Payable returns you to the A/P Payment Batch List screen and posts the payments to vendor accounts.
Important! After check data has been posted, you cannot reprint the checks or advices.

- You cannot reprint a check after the check information has been posted to Bank Services.
- You can delete payments (void checks) until you post the batch.
If you delete the payment from the payment batch after you print the check, Accounts Payable changes the status of the check to Void in Bank Services.
Deleted checks do not appear on the Accounts Payable Check Register.