A/P Distribution Codes Screen
Select this option if you want invoice, credit note, debit note, and recurring payable details that use this distribution code to be discountable by default. (You can change the Discountable status when you enter a detail.)
Type a code, up to six characters, to identify the distribution code.
Type a description of the distribution code, using up to 60 characters.
Specify the general ledger account number to which amounts posted with the distribution code are distributed.
A description of the specified account will display in the Account Description field.
Select this option if you do not want to assign the distribution code to any vendors.
The field will then display the date on which the code was rendered inactive.
If you make a distribution code inactive, you can no longer assign it to vendor records. You also cannot save changes to vendor records that use the inactive distribution code, unless you first assign an active distribution code to the records.
You would primarily use the option when you decide to delete a distribution code, and want to ensure no further vendor accounts are assigned to it. You can change your entry any time.
This is an information field in which the program displays the date of the last change made to the distribution code. You do not make an entry in this field.
Use the A/P Distribution Codes screen to:
- Define codes to identify the general ledger account numbers to use when distributing purchases to general ledger accounts.
- Specify a description (name) for each distribution code.
- Specify whether the distribution code is active or inactive.
- Specify a Discountable status for the distribution code.