Adding or Modifying a Distribution Code
You use the Distribution Codes screen to add distribution codes. For each record you enter a unique code, up to six characters, a description (name) for the code, and the general ledger account number that the code represents.
You can define as many distribution codes as you need to represent the various general ledger accounts to which you distribute purchases.
Before adding distribution codes:
- Decide on the distribution codes to use.
Determine the general ledger accounts to assign. (If necessary, add the general ledger accounts you want to assign.)
Before changing distribution codes, print the Distribution Codes report to check the information for the codes you want to change.
Note: You can modify existing distribution codes, as necessary, but you cannot change the identifying code itself.
Before deleting distribution codes:
- Print the Vendor List and the Vendor Group List, including Profile information, to see which vendors and vendor groups use the distribution codes you want to change.
- Assign a different distribution code to vendor groups and vendor records that use the code you want to delete. You cannot delete a distribution code that is assigned to a vendor.
- Post any outstanding batches containing transactions that use the code you want to delete. Although you can post these batches later, you must enter a new code.
To add a distribution code:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Distribution Codes.
On the screen that appears, enter information in the following fields:
Distribution Code. Type a code, up to six characters, to identify the distribution code.
- Distribution Code Description. Type a description of the distribution code.
- G/L Account. Enter the general ledger account number to which amounts posted with the distribution code are distributed.
- Discountable. Select this option if you want invoice, credit note, debit note, and recurring payable details that use this distribution code to be discountable by default. (You can change the Discountable status when you enter a detail.)
- Click Save.
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Distribution Codes.
- Select the distribution code you want to change.
- Make your changes.
- Click Save.
To delete a distribution code:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > Distribution Codes.
- Select the distribution code you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
- Print new copies of the Vendor Group List and Vendors List.
- Update any distribution sets that contained a deleted distribution code.
- Edit any transactions that used deleted distribution codes, assigning new distribution codes or general ledger account numbers to which to post the transactions.