Displays the code for the item category (which defines the General Ledger accounts for sales, returns, cost of goods sold, cost variance, and damaged goods).
Displays the sequence number assigned to the transaction during Day End Processing.
When you view sales history for a customer number, this field displays the period in which the customer purchased items from your company.
When you view sales history for an item number, this field displays the period in which customers purchased the item.
Note: You specify on the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen whether to accumulate sales history and statistics by calendar year or fiscal year, and the period type to use.
Displays the quantity of items sold in the transaction.
When you view sales history for a customer number, this field displays the calendar year or fiscal year in which the customer purchased items from your company.
When you view sales history for an item number, this field displays the calendar year or fiscal year in which customers purchased the item.
Note: You specify on the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen whether to accumulate sales history and statistics by calendar year or fiscal year, and the period type to use.
Use the O/E Sales History Detail screen to: