Enter the date as of which you want orders aged.
Orders posted before the date you specify appear in one of the aging periods on the report. Orders posted after the date you specify (and before the date you specify in the Cutoff Date field) appear in the Current column on the report.
Enter the date of the most recent order you want to include in the report.
Tip: If you do not want to list any current orders, enter the same date in the Age As Of and Cutoff Date fields.
Specify the range of customer numbers to include in the report.
If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to print amounts in the customer's currency or in your company's functional currency.
Specify the number of days in each aging period.
Note: Order Entry displays the default aging periods specified on the O/E Options screen.
The O/E Aged Orders report is a list of all incomplete orders and their relative ages in the system. It compares order dates to dates you specify in the Aged As Of field to determine the aging period to which each order belongs.
Print the report periodically to find and act quickly on orders that have been outstanding for a long time.
The O/E Aged Orders report displays the following information:
You can list all or a range of orders by order number, customer number, or currency (if you use multicurrency accounting).
The report lists orders in columns for the current period and the three aging periods you specified for the report. Another column lists orders that have been outstanding for more than the number of days in the last aging category.