Adding Current Sales and Return Statistics
Adding or Editing Transaction Statistics
Specify the item number for which you want to add, edit, or view sales statistics.
Specify the location code for which you want to add, edit, or view sales statistics.
Specify the year and period for which you want to add, edit, or view sales statistics.
Enter the amounts for sales and returns for the statistical period. If you use multicurrency accounting, enter amounts in your company's functional currency.
Enter the cost of goods sold and returned for the statistical period. If you use multicurrency accounting, enter amounts in your company's functional currency.
Enter the number of sales and returns transactions that occurred during the statistical period.
Inventory Control calculates the margin and displays the amount. Margin is calculated as:
(Sales amount - Sales cost) - (Returns amount - Returns cost)
Enter the number of items sold and returned (in stocking units) during the statistical period.
Use the I/C Sales Statistics screen to:
If you want to use the I/C Sales Statistics report to assist you in managing your inventory, use the I/C Sales Statistics screen to add sales and returns data for your inventory items during setup.
You can add sales data for reporting periods from the current year and from previous years. After setup, Inventory Control automatically updates these statistics when you run Day End Processing. If you select the Allow Edit Of Statistics option on the I/C Options screen, you can edit the statistics as needed.