Specify the item number for which you want to add reorder criteria.
Enter a location code or use the Finder to select an inventory location. You must have previously allowed the item to be stocked at the location.
The program displays the stocking unit of measure from the item record. You enter reorder information in stocking units.
If optional fields were defined for this screen, click the zoom button, then add or edit optional field information as follows:
If a field is required, you cannot save the item record until you fill in the value.
Optional fields must be assigned to the Items screen using the I/C Optional Fields screen before you can add them to item records.
Enter the maximum number of units (in the item's stocking units) you want in stock at any time for the item during the specified period. If more than this specified number of units are in stock during the period, the item appears on the Overstocked Items report.
Inventory Control calculates the quantity available as the quantity in stock, plus the quantity on purchase order, minus the quantity on sales order.
Enter the minimum number of units (in the item's stocking units) you want in inventory for the item during the specified period.
If fewer than this specified number of units are in stock during the period, the item appears on the Reorder Report.
Enter the date (month and day) of the first day for which you want the reorder criteria to apply.
If you add reorder criteria for more than one period in a 12-month period, then the current reorder criteria are in effect until the next period starting date.
For example, if you add different reorder criteria for periods starting on the first day of every month beginning with December 1st of the current year, then the first reorder criteria expire on December 31 and the next reorder criteria take effect on January 1st of the next year.
Enter the number of units of the item (in the item's stocking units) you expect to sell during the specified period.
Enter the number of units (in the item's stocking units) that you want to order during the specified period when either:
Use the I/C Reorder Quantities screen to: