About Using Accounts Receivable with General Ledger
Selecting General Ledger Integration Options for Accounts Receivable
Select whether or not to combine transaction details for the same general ledger account, and if so, which details are consolidated.
Important! If you consolidate transactions, you lose the ability to drill down to them from General Ledger.
You can select:
Note: If you change this selection, the new selection only applies to transactions posted after the change, and has no effect on transactions already in a general ledger batch.
Specify when to create general ledger transactions:
Important! If you select During Posting, you cannot print the G/L Transactions report.
You can change this selection at any time. However, if Manually Using A/R Create G/L Batch Screen is selected, print a copy of the latest G/L Transactions report and create any outstanding transactions before you change this selection.
Select the method to use for creating general ledger transactions:
Note: If you try to post a G/L batch to a period that is locked for General Ledger, the transactions are placed in an error batch. Therefore, make it a practice to create and post General Ledger batches for outstanding Accounts Receivable transactions before locking a period for General Ledger.
Accounts Receivable automatically creates separate general ledger batches for the different types of transactions you can post (invoices, receipts, adjustments)
This table contains the following columns that are used to create the source codes:
Note: The default source type for Payment Received is the same as for Payment Received Reversal. The default source type for Refund is the same as for Refund Reversal.
The source code for each transaction type is a combination of the source ledger code and the source type code. The source codes are used to identify transactions in General Ledger.
This table shows the posting sequence number for each type of transaction batch for which general ledger transactions have been created.
If you selected On Request Using Create G/L Batch Screen for the Create G/L Transactions option, you can use this information to find out whether you have created all outstanding general ledger transactions.
This tab displays the information to include in the description, reference, or comment fields in the general ledger transactions for each transaction type. You can assign one or more pieces of information (segments) to each field.
Note: If you change the settings on this tab, the new settings only apply to transactions posted after the change, and have no effect on transactions already in a general ledger batch.
For each detail transaction type, this column displays the comment information that will appear with unconsolidated details on the G/L Transactions report and in the general ledger batch.
To edit the information, click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, and then make the changes on the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
For each detail transaction type, this column displays the information that will appear with unconsolidated details in the Description column on the G/L Transactions report and in the Description field in the general ledger batch.
Note: If you consolidate details during posting, the description is "CONSOL" for all the transactions in General Ledger.
To edit the information, click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, and then make the changes on the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
For each detail transaction type, this column displays the information that will appear with unconsolidated details in the Reference column on the G/L Transactions report and in the Reference field in the general ledger batch.
Note: If you consolidate details during posting, the reference is blank for all the transactions in General Ledger.
To edit the information, click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, and then make the changes on the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
For each entry transaction type, this column displays the information that will appear as the entry description on the G/L Transactions report and in the general ledger batch.
To edit the information, click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, and then make the changes on the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
This column shows the transaction types for which you can assign information for general ledger transactions.
To edit the information, click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, and then make the changes on the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
Accounts Receivable creates batches of general ledger transactions either when you post the A/R transactions or on demand. Each general ledger transaction includes all the information needed to accurately update receivables data in your general ledger.
You use the A/R G/L Integration screen to control how the general ledger transactions are created.
Use this tab to control how and when GL transactions are created. More...
Use this tab to specify the information to use in the description, reference, and comment fields in the general ledger transactions. More...