Assigning Information to G/L Transaction Fields

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About Using Accounts Receivable with General Ledge

A/R G/L Integration Detail screen

You can specify the type of information to use in the transaction description, detail reference, detail description, and detail comment fields for general ledger transactions posted from Accounts Receivable. More...

For each field in the G/L transaction, you can assign up to five pieces of information (segments) from Accounts Receivable transactions.

The segments you can select depend on the type of transaction and whether the information is for the transaction header or the details. This ensures that the information passed to General Ledger is relevant for the transaction.

When Accounts Receivable creates the general ledger transactions, if no data exists in the source transaction field, the field will be blank in the general ledger transaction. For example, if you assigned the Description segment to the G/L Entry Description field, but there is no description for a particular entry, the field will be blank in the G/L transaction.

To change the information that is included with a G/L field:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Setup >  G/L Integration.

  2. On the A/R G/L Integration screen, click the Transactions tab.
  3. Click the Edit icon to the right of the field you want to change, which opens the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen.
  4. Make your changes to the segments or segment separator. More...
    1. In the Segment Separator field, you can change the character used to separate segments of information.

      Note: The separator is used only if you assign more than one segment.

    2. To add a segment, choose it in the Choose Segments From List list, and then click Include.

      The selected segment moves to the Segments Currently Used list and appears in the Example.

      • You can assign a maximum of five segments to a G/L field.
      • If the combined length of the segments and separators exceeds 60 characters, the assigned information is truncated when the transaction is posted.
      • The available segments depend on the transaction type.
    3. To remove a segment, choose it in the Segments Currently Used list, and then click Exclude.

      The selected segment is removed from the Segments Currently Used list and from the Example.

  5. Click Save to save your changes.
  6. If you want to make other changes to the fields for that transaction type, select the G/L Transaction Field, and then repeat steps 4 and 5.
  7. If you want to make other changes to the fields for another transaction type, select the Transaction Type, select the G/L Transaction Field, and then repeat steps 4-6.
  8. When you finish making changes, close the A/R G/L Integration Detail screen and return to the A/R G/L Integration screen.