Order Entry > Customizing and Printing Forms > Shipping Labels > Printing Shipping Labels

Printing Shipping Labels

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Use the O/E Shipping Labels screen to print shipping labels that you can attach to shipments you send from the warehouse or shipping department.

To print shipping labels:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Forms > Shipping Labels.
  2. In the Use Label field, select the type of label you want to print.
  3. In the Select field, specify whether to print labels for a range of order numbers, shipment numbers, or invoice numbers.
  4. Use the From and To fields to specify the range of orders, shipments, or invoices to include.
  5. If you want to reprint previously printed labels, select Include Labels Already Printed.
  6. If you want to print labels only for orders, shipments, or invoices that have been marked as requiring labels, select Print Only Labels Marked As Required.

    Tip: To mark transactions as requiring labels, you select the Require Shipping Labels option when printing order confirmations, picking slips, and invoices.

  7. Click Print to print the labels.