Inventory Control > Entering and Posting Transactions > Processing Receipts and Returns > Receiving Goods from Vendors

Receiving Goods from Vendors

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About Receipts

About Receipt Adjustments

About Returns

You use the I/C Receipts screen to record the receipt of items into inventory, the return of items to suppliers, and adjustments.

Note: You can post returns only to incomplete receipts. If the receipt is marked Complete, or is no longer available, you must use the I/C Adjustments screen to adjust inventory levels or costs.

To enter a new receipt to receive items in Inventory Control:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Transactions >  Receipts.

  2. Click the Create New button to start a new entry.
  3. The program automatically displays "*** NEW ***" as the Receipt Number. To assign a specific receipt number, type the number in the Receipt Numberfield. Otherwise, the program automatically assigns a receipt number when you save or post the transaction (using the numbering set on the Documents tab of the I/C Options screen).
  4. In the upper part of the screen, enter information to apply to the receipt as a whole:
    1. Enter a description and a reference for the receipt. (Optional)
    2. Specify the receipt date and posting date, which determines the fiscal year and period.
    3. Specify the number of the vendor supplying the items.
    4. If applicable, enter a purchase order number.
    5. If applicable, enter the amount of any additional cost.
    6. If you want to print labels for the items received, select the Require Labels option.
    7. If you want to enter optional field information that applies to the whole receipt, click and select Add/Edit to open the Optional Fields Screen.
  5. In the table, enter details about each item received, using a separate line for each item:
    1. Click Add Line.
    2. In the Item Number column, specifty the item number. You can also type the manufacturer's item number if it is already associated with an inventory item (using the I/C Manufacturers' Items screen).
    3. In the Location column, specify the location number.
    4. In the Quantity Received column, enter the quantity of that item that was received.
    5. If needed, in the Unit of Measure column, enter a new UOM.
    6. If needed, in the Unit Cost column, enter a new unit cost.
    7. If needed, in the Extended Cost column, enter a new extended cost.
    8. If needed, in the Labels column, change the number of labels to print.
    9. If needed, in the Comments column, enter any comments about the item. (Optional)
    10. Use the Optional Fields column to open the Optional Fields screen if you need to add additional optional field information that applies to the receipt.
    11. Repeat these steps for each additional item received.
  6. When you finish entering the items received, either:
    • Click Save to save the receipt so you can edit it and post it later.
    • Click Post to post the receipt immediately. After it is posted, you cannot enter returns or adjustments for the receipt.

      Important! When you click Post, if the Prompt to Delete During Posting option is selected (on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen), the program asks you if you want to delete the transaction. Click No unless your company always deletes posted transactions. If you delete the posted transaction, you will not be able to drill down to the transaction details from General Ledger.

      The program displays the number of the receipt that was saved or posted.