Inventory Control > Setting Up Inventory Control > Item Structures > About Item Number Formats

About Item Number Formats

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About Planning Your Item Numbering System

Adding Item Structures

Setting Up Inventory Control

Inventory Control uses item structures to format item numbers. Item structures control which segments are included in item numbers and the order in which the segments appear. You select the item structure you want to use when you add items to Inventory Control.

The general steps required to set up item number formats include:

  1. Defining the segments to be used in the item numbers.

    An item number can consist of up to ten segments. Use the segments in item numbers to organize items by common attributes. Also, you can sort reports by any segment of an item number.

  2. Adding segment codes (optional) to control what the program allows you to enter in a segment of the item number.

    Example: For the two-digit segment for color, you set up the following segment codes: 01 for red, 02 for white, and 03 for blue.

  3. Setting up one or more item structures in Inventory Control.

The following sections provide more information and examples of segments, segment codes, and item structures.

Defining Segments

Use the Items tab of the I/C Options screen to define the segments you want to use in your Inventory Control system.

You can define up to ten segments, any number of which you can then combine to set up item structures for formatting item numbers.


Item number #01-RED-L3401 has the following item number segments:

Segment Length Description
XX 2 Style
XXX 3 Color
XXXXX 5 Size

You can change the name of a segment after it is set up, but you cannot change or delete the segment itself.


Defining Segment Codes

Use the I/C Segment Codes screen if you want to define segment codes for the segments.

Defining segment codes is optional, as is using the codes once you have entered them. If you want to require that a segment always use one of the defined segment codes when you add a new inventory item number, select the Validate option for that segment on the Items tab of the I/C Options screen. (You can change the Validate setting for each segment code at any time.)

A segment code can contain upper-case letters and numbers. Segment codes can be neither longer nor shorter than the length of the segment for which they will be used.


The following table shows examples of segment codes (consecutive Xs denote a segment in an item structure):

Segment Length Segment Description Segment Code Segment Code Description
XX 2 Style R1 Regular
      M1 Modern
XXX 3 Color RED Red
      WHI White
      BLU Blue

Note: You can add segment codes as needed, but you can delete segment codes only if they are not used by any item numbers.

Setting Up Item Structures

Use the I/C Item Structures screen to define item structures for your Inventory Control system.

You create item structures by combining up to ten segments (which you must set up first), in any order, and you can create as many item structures as you require for your item numbers. You must create at least one item structure before you can add items.

You should set up your item structures to format your item numbers in a way that meets your needs for sorting and grouping items for inventory reports and lists.

The following table provides samples of several item structures. Note the following about the table:


While you design your item numbering format, consider the following suggestions:

If your current inventory item numbers already follow these rules for item numbers, you can create the item structures you need for entering item numbers into Inventory Control. Otherwise, design a new item number format before creating your item structures.

Using Separator Characters

When you define an item structure, you can select a separator character to appear between segments so item numbers are easier to read. For example, for a three-segment item number, it is easier to distinguish the segments in 5046-010-92 than in 504601092.

If you select a separator character for the last segment in an item structure, the character appears at the end of item numbers using that item structure. For example, 5046-010-92#.