Inventory Control > Screen Guides > Periodic Processing > Create G/L Batch

I/C Create G/L Batch Screen

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Creating a Batch of General Ledger Transactions

I/C G/L Integration Screen

About Periodic Processing


Use the I/C Create G/L Batch screen to manually create batches of general ledger transactions from posted receipts, shipments, internal usage transactions, adjustments, and transfers.

Note: The program automatically creates G/L transactions if During Posting is selected for Create G/L Transactions on the Integration tab of the I/C G/L Integration screen. The program creates these G/L transactions either when you post I/C transactions or when you run day-end processing, depending on the selection for Create Subledger Transactions and Audit Information During on the Costing tab of the I/C Options screen.

G/L transaction and batch options

Options on the I/C G/L Integration screen let you:

Locked fiscal periods

If a fiscal period is locked for General Ledger but not for Inventory Control, you can create batches for General Ledger using this window. However, when you try to post transactions to a locked period in General Ledger, the transactions will be placed in an error batch.

You can avoid this situation if you create and post General Ledger batches for outstanding Inventory Control transactions before locking the period for General Ledger.