Inventory Control > Periodic Processing > Creating a Batch of General Ledger Transactions

Creating a Batch of General Ledger Transactions

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I/C G/L Integration Screen

About Periodic Processing

Use the I/C Create G/L Batch screen to manually create batches of general ledger transactions from posted receipts, shipments, internal usage transactions, adjustments, and transfers.

Note: The program automatically creates G/L transactions if During Posting is selected for Create G/L Transactions on the Integration tab of the I/C G/L Integration screen. The program creates these G/L transactions either when you post I/C transactions or when you run day-end processing, depending on the selection for Create Subledger Transactions and Audit Information During on the Costing tab of the I/C Options screen.

To create a batch of G/L transactions:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Periodic Processing > Create G/L Batch.

  2. Specify the day-end number. General ledger transactions are created for all outstanding day-end numbers up to and including this number.
  3. Click Process.