Inventory Control > Setting Up Items and Price Lists > Reorder Quantities > Adding Item Reorder Quantities

Adding Item Reorder Quantities

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About Reorder Information

I/C Reorder Quantities Screen

You use the I/C Item Reorder Quantities screen to set up reorder information for your inventory items. You can specify separate reorder criteria for each item at each inventory location where you stock the item, or for all locations.

To add item reorder quantities:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Items and Price Lists > Reorder Quantities.

  2. Specify the item number for which you want to add reorder criteria.
  3. In the Reorder For field, specify whether to set reorder quantities for a specific location or for all locations.

    If you choose to set reorder quantities for a specific location, you cannot later set quantities for the same item for all locations, unless you first delete the reorder quantities for each of the specific locations. Similarly, if you choose to set quantities for all locations, you cannot later set quantities for a specific location unless you first delete the quantities for all locations.

  4. If you selected Specific Location, enter or select the location code.
  5. If you want to add information for optional fields for this item and location, on the Optional Fields menu , click Add/Edit. (You can assign optional fields that are set up for use with reorder quantities records.)
  6. Click Apply.
  7. In the table:
    1. Click Add Line to add new lines as needed.
    2. Enter the period start date and the quantities for each desired period.
  8. Click Save.