General Ledger > Setting Up General Ledger > Account Segments > About Segment Codes

About Segment Codes

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G/L Segment Codes Screen

When you use the G/L Accounts screen to add General Ledger account numbers, the program checks the Segment Codes table to be sure that the segment codes (such as the department numbers) are valid.

If a segment code is not valid, General Ledger does not let you add the account.

Note: The only segment that is not validated is the account segment.

The Account Segment

The account segment is the portion of the General Ledger account number that identifies the account type as one of the income, expense, asset, and liability accounts that record the company's business transactions. For example, if you have account numbers with two segments, one segment may be the account segment, and the other segment may identify the department.

Every account number requires an account segment. If your account numbers have only one segment, that segment is the account segment.