General Ledger > Screen Guides > Reports > Batch Listing

G/L Batch Listing Report

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G/L Batch List Screen

G/L Post Batches Screen

About Importing Batches


The G/L Batch Listing report lists posted and unposted batches of general ledger transactions.

To enforce a strict audit trail, select the Force Listing Of Batches option on the G/L Options screen. This option prevents you from posting batches that are unlisted.

Information Printed on This Report

The following information is printed at the top of the report:

The body of the report lists batches sequentially. For each batch, the report lists the batch number, the batch description, the creation date, the status, the batch type, all entries in the batch, the batch total, and the account description. More...

Optional fields that were posted with details are printed for each entry, if you chose to include optional transaction fields on the report.

The report also identifies entries within posted batches that were not posted successfully.