General Ledger > Screen Guides > Accounts > Accounts

G/L Accounts Screen

Learn more

About Entering Account Balances, Historical Data, and Quantities

Information Stored in General Ledger Accounts

Changing Account Information

About Rollup Accounts


Use the G/L Accounts screen to:

Depending on the options you select, this screen can include several tabs of information about the general ledger account you are adding or displaying.

Note: To maintain quantity and currency information for an account, you must select the options for the company in the G/L Options screen.

Allocation Tab

This tab appears when you select the Auto Allocation option on the Detail tab for an account.

Options you select on the Allocation tab determine how General Ledger distributes the balance of an account.

Currency Tab

This tab is available only if the Multicurrency option is selected:

The Currency tab lets you specify which currencies are valid for the account.

Details Tab

The Detail tab appears when you open the G/L Accounts screen, and it contains the key information that every account requires.

Options you select on this tab determine whether certain other tabs appear for the account.

Optional Fields Tab

You can use the Optional Fields tab to assign an unlimited number of optional fields to the account to store additional information that your company wants to track.

Any optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion on accounts appear on the tab, along with their default values.

You can include these account fields on the report when you print the long form of your chart of accounts. You can also use these optional account fields as selection criteria when printing your chart of accounts, trial balances, transaction listings, and source journals.

Rollup Tab

This tab appears when you select the Rollup option on the Detail tab. Use it to:

Subledger Tab

This tab appears when you select the Control Account option on the Detail tab.

Use the Subledgers tab to specify which subledgers use the account as a control account.

Transaction Optional Fields Tab

You can use the Transaction Optional Fields tab to add an unlimited number of optional fields for additional information that you want to include with transactions processed for a selected account.

Transaction details that use the account will include the optional fields on this tab, whether you enter the transactions through Journal Entry or the Create Recurring Entries Batch screen, or you create them for General Ledger in a Sage 300 subledger. If you use exactly the same optional fields in the subleders, optional field information passes from the subledgers to General Ledger.