About Bank Services Integration with Other Accounting Modules
About Bank Services Integration with General Ledger
Specify whether to combine transaction details for the same general ledger account into a single detail, or to send unconsolidated transaction details to General Ledger:
Tip: During bank setup, select this option so that you have a detailed record of the setup entries.
Note: The posting date for consolidated entries is the last date of the fiscal period.
Specify when to create general ledger transactions in Bank Services:
During Posting. If you select this option:
On Request Using Create G/L Batch Screen. If you select this option:
Tip: When you are setting up your system, select this option so that you can set up all your banks before sending information to General Ledger.
Specify how new transactions are added to G/L batches:
Use this tab to assign information to G/L transactions. For more information, see Assigning Information to G/L Transactions.
Use the Bank G/L Integration screen to:
Use the Integration tab on the Bank G/L Integration screen to:
Before changing the Create G/L Transaction option to create transactions during posting (if it was set to create transactions using the Bank Create G/L Batch screen), print an up-to-date copy of the Bank G/L Transactions report, then create any outstanding transactions.
Any change to your selections for the Consolidate G/L Batches option or the data to include in the G/L Entry Description, G/L Detail Reference, G/L Detail Description, and G/L Detail Comment fields applies only to transactions posted after the change. It has no effect on transactions already in a general ledger batch.
Use the Transactions tab on the Bank G/L Integration screen to specify the type of information to use in the transaction description, detail reference, detail description, and detail comment fields for general ledger transactions.
You can assign one or more pieces of information (segments) to each field, provided that the combined length of the segments and separators does not exceed 60 characters. Fields exceeding this limit will be truncated when you post general ledger transactions.
The segments you can select depend on the type of transaction to which you are assigning information and whether the information is for the transaction header or the details. This ensures that the information passed to General Ledger is relevant for each type of transaction.
When you create general ledger transactions, if no data exists in the source transaction field, the field will be blank in the general ledger transaction. For example, if you assigned the original transaction description to the G/L Entry Description field, but there is no description for a particular entry, the field will be blank in the G/L transaction.
This information also appears on Bank Services posting journals and on the G/L Journal Entry screen and reports.