Accounts Receivable > Screen Guides > Transaction Reports > Aged Trial Balance

A/R Aged Trial Balance Report

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About Accounts Receivable Reports

Printing the A/R Aged Trial Balance Report


The Aged Trial Balance report groups outstanding transactions or balances into a current period and four aging periods by document date or due date. Use the report to analyze your receivables.

You can generate a detailed version of the report (listing the outstanding documents for each customer) or a summary version (a single line for each customer, with the current balance in the customer's account and the balance in each aging period).

You can use selection criteria to limit the customers included in the report. You can also limit the types of transactions included.

When to Print

Print the Aged Trial Balance report when you need a listing of the status of your receivables on a given date, such as at the end of a fiscal year or period, or when you want to identify documents or balances you may need to write off.

Information Printed on This Report

The detailed version of the Aged Trial Balance report includes:

The summary version of the Aged Trial Balance report includes a single line for each customer, with the current balance in the customer's account and the balance in each of four aging periods.