Accounts Receivable > Printing Reports > Transaction Reports > Aged Trial Balance

Printing the A/R Aged Trial Balance Report

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A/R Aged Trial Balance Report

The Aged Trial Balance report groups outstanding transactions or balances into a current period and four aging periods by document date or due date. Use the report to analyze your receivables.

You can generate a detailed version of the report (listing the outstanding documents for each customer) or a summary version (a single line for each customer, with the current balance in the customer's account and the balance in each aging period).

You can use selection criteria to limit the customers included in the report. You can also limit the types of transactions included.

To print the A/R Aged Trial Balance report:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transaction Reports > Aged Trial Balance.
  2. In the A/R Aged Trial Balance Report screen for Report Type, select to generate either:
    • An aged trial balance report by due date or document date.
    • An overdue receivables report by due date or document date.
  3. For Age As Of, specify the date to report the receivables. The program uses this date to assign transactions or balances to aging periods. For example, if you print the Aged Trial Balance by Due Date report, the program assigns each transaction to an aging period by calculating the number of days between its due date and the Age As Of date.
  4. For Cutoff By, select the method for selecting a cutoff date or period for the transactions or balances to include in the report. More...
    • Document Date. Includes documents based on their document date (regardless of the fiscal period to which you assigned them). You then enter a date for Cutoff Date.
    • Posting Date. Includes documents based on their posting date. You then enter a date for Cutoff Date.
    • Year/Period. Includes all transactions up to the end of a fiscal period. You then enter the fiscal year and period for Year/Period.
  5. For Print Transactions In, select whether to print a summary version, a detailed version by document date, or a detailed version by document number.
  6. If you need to change the aging periods for this report, make changes in the To Aging Period (Days) column of the aging table. Initially, this table shows the aging periods set up on the Statement tab of the A/R Options screen.
  7. Select the customers to include on the report. More...
    1. For Account Type, choose whether you want to include all types of customers, only Open Item customers, or only Balance Forward customers.
    2. In the Select Customers By table, you can choose one to four selection criteria to limit the customers included on the report.

      For the first selection, choose from Customer Number, National Account, Customer Group, Billing Cycle, and Short Name. For the remaining three selection criteria, you can also choose additional fields to limit the customers.

      You can then specify the range for each of the selection criteria that you choose.

      If you do not choose any selection criteria, the report includes all customers with the account type you select.

  8. Select the order to list customers on the report. More...
    1. In the Sort Customers By table, you can choose one to four sort orders. For the first selection, choose from National Account, Customer Group, Billing Cycle, Short Name, Account Set, and Territory. For the remaining three sort orders, you can also choose additional fields to sort the customers.

      If you do not select a sort order, the report sorts by customer number.

    2. For each sort order, you can also select the Title option (to include titles for each sorted group) and the Total option (to include subtotals for each sorted group).
  9. For Select Transaction Types, select one or more transaction types to include on the report. The choices are Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, Interest, Unapplied Cash, Prepayment, Receipt, Refund, and Adjustment.

    Note: If you select Adjustment, adjustments are listed separately from the transactions to which they were applied.

  10. If you want to group transactions by type for each customer, select the Sort Transactions By Transaction Type option.
  11. In the Include and Show areas, select any additional information to include on the report. More...
    • Contact/Phone/Credit Limit. Select this option to include the contact person, phone number, and credit limit for each customer.
    • Space for Comments. Select this option to leave a blank space at the end of each customer listing for your comments.
    • Only Customers Over Their Credit Limits. Select this option to limit the report to customers that are over their credit limits.
    • Customers with a Zero Balance. Select this option to include customers whose accounts have a zero balance. This can be used to find customer accounts that are dormant. Note that an account could have a zero balance and still have outstanding transactions (such as an offsetting invoice and credit note).
    • Applied Details. Select this option to include all the documents (such as receipts and credit notes) applied to each reported invoice. If you do not select this option, the report shows only the balance owing for each outstanding transaction.
    • Fully Paid Transactions. Select this option to include documents that are fully paid, but not yet cleared from Accounts Receivable.

      If you only want to include recent fully paid transactions, you also enter the earliest date to show the fully paid transactions, .

    • Aged Retainage. Select this option to include aged retainage balances for each customer. (This option only appears for reports by due date.)
  12. If you use multicurrency accounting, use the Print Amounts In field to select whether to show transaction amounts in the customer currency or the functional currency.
  13. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new Sage 300 window. You can print the report or export it to a file.