Accounts Receivable > Setting Up and Maintaining Customer Records > Ship-To Locations > About Ship-To Locations

About Ship-To Locations

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A/R Ship-To Locations Screen

A/R Ship-To Locations Report

Accounts Receivable can keep an almost unlimited number of ship-to locations for your customers.

Ship-to locations are the addresses to which customers want you to send the goods they order. You can designate a particular ship-to location as the primary ship-to address for a customer.

You select a ship-to location when you enter invoices or define recurring-charge records for a customer.

Note: Ship-to locations are used only for shipping goods. Invoices and statements are sent to the address entered in the customer record.

If a primary ship-to location exists for a customer:

Information Stored for Ship-To Locations

You use the A/R Ship-To Locations screen to add shipping addresses for your customers.

You assign a code to identify each address, then select the code during invoice entry to specify the address for the order and to display the shipping method, special instructions, and tax information assigned to the address.

Tip: If you use Order Entry, you can select ship-via codes that you have set up in Order Entry.

For each ship-to location, you can enter a shipping method or carrier, an FOB point, special instructions, and the tax group that applies at the location. These details appear as default entries when you add invoices for the customer and location. At that time, you can use or change the information for the particular invoice.

Each ship-to address can also specify the salespeople who share in transactions posted using the code for the ship-to address, and the percentage each salesperson receives.

Note: You cannot set a ship-to location inactive or delete it if there are unposted documents that use the location.

Customizing Ship-To Location Information

If you want to keep other information in your ship-to location records, you can add unlimited optional fields to the screen.

You define ship-to location optional fields using the A/R Optional Fields screen.

Any fields that you set up for automatic insertion in ship-to location records appear, along with their default values, on the Optional Fields tab of new ship-to location records that you add to your system.

You use the Optional Fields tab to: