Reverse Charges Screen
Specify the General Ledger account where you record input tax amounts for the tax authority.
Specify the General Ledger account where you record output tax amounts for the tax authority.
Specify a tax authority that requires you to remit tax amounts for goods or services you purchase.
The amount specified in this field determines whether or not tax amounts become reverse charges:
For an invoice that includes reverse chargeable details, tax amounts for those details become reverse charges if the Reverse Charges Base for the invoice is above the threshold amount. If the Reverse Charges Base for the invoice is below the threshold amount or exactly the same as the threshold amount, tax amounts do not become reverse charges.
This field displays Purchases. It cannot be changed.
Enter Yes for each combination of item tax class and vendor tax class that will use reverse charges.
Tip: You can use the Set All To Yes and Set All To No buttons above the table to enter Yes or No for all combinations of item tax class and vendor tax class.
You use the Reverse Charges screen to specify which tax classes use reverse charges for purchases.