Looking Up Information Using the Sage 300 Inquiry Tool

The Inquiry tool allows you to quickly and easily look up information that exists in your Sage 300 system.

There are some special queries available that you can use to look up Accounts Receivable documents. These queries work differently than other queries. This topic includes instructions for using both regular queries and the special A/R queries.

To look up information using a regular query:

  1. On the web toolbar at the right of the screen, click the Inquiries button.
  2. In the Data Source field, select a data source to indicate the general type of information you are looking for.
  3. On the Standard Queries or Custom Queries tab, click a query.

    Note: At the top of the Custom Queries tab, you can specify the type of custom queries to display: public, private, or both.

    The Inquiry tool appears, and displays a results table containing the type of information that the selected query is designed to find.

  4. Use filters and other controls to refine what and how information is displayed:
    • Show Grand Totals. Select this option to show grand totals below the results table.
    • Per Page. Choose how many rows appear in the results table.
    • Group by column. To group the rows in the results table by a column, drag and drop the column's header to the purple bar above the table. You can group by only some columns. For columns you can group by, column headers are shaded purple. For other columns, column headers are light grey.

      If you group by column, subtotals are displayed below each group in the results table.

    • Sort by column. By default, rows in the results table are sorted by the first column (the column at the left side of the table). To change the sort order, or to sort by a different column, click any column header.
    • Column header menus. Each column header includes a menu with the following controls:
      • Columns. Specify which columns appear in the results table.
      • Filter. Set a filter to narrow down the information that appears in the results table.

        A bar above the table displays all the filters that are currently set.

        To clear a single filter, open the Filter menu on a column that has a filter set, and click Clear. To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters (above the table).

    In the results table, you can click some transactions and records to drill down and see more information. The query you are using determines the types of transactions and records to which you can drill down. For example, when using the Order Entry Invoices query, you can drill down to see invoices in the O/E Invoice Entry screen, orders (the source transactions for the invoices) in the O/E Order Entry screen, and customers in the A/R Customers screen.

  5. Tip: You can export data from the results table to a Microsoft Excel file by clicking Export. Totals are not included in the exported data.

To look up information using one of the special A/R queries:

  1. Open the Inquiry tool in one of the following ways:
    • On the navigation menu, open the A/R Documents query (Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Document Inquiry) or the A/R Customer Documents query (Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Customer Inquiry).
    • On the A/R Customers screen, click Inquiry, and then choose a query type.
    • On other screens, click the Inquiry option on a field where it is available.

    The Inquiry tool appears, set up in the default state for the query type you chose.

    Note: Depending on the query type and the information in your Sage 300 system, you may need to change or specify search criteria before any results are displayed.

  2. To view search criteria, click Filter.
  3. Specify search criteria, and then click Apply.

    Results that match the criteria you specified are displayed.

    When some results are displayed, you can see more information related to a specific transaction by selecting the transaction in the main table (for some query types, information related to the selected transaction is displayed in other tables), or by drilling down to source transactions.

    To change or refine your search, change search criteria and then click Apply again.

    Tip: In a multicurrency system, you can use the field at the top right of the screen to specify whether to show amounts in the functional currency or in the customer's currency.