Dismissing and Restoring Notes

When working on a screen that supports notes, the Notes panel appears each time you specify a record for which there are notes, and displays the notes for the specified record.

Example: Suppose you have an inventory item L-1202, and there are two notes for this item. If you enter item L-1202 on an invoice (on the A/R Invoice Entry screen), the Notes panel appears and displays all notes for item L-1202.

You can dismiss a note so that the note no longer appears when you specify the record to which the note is assigned. After dismissing a note, you can restore the note so it appears again.

Dismissing a note applies only to you. Other users still see the note unless they have also dismissed it.

Users with Maintain Notes security authorization can specify whether or not a note can be dismissed, so you may not be able to dismiss all notes.

To dismiss or restore a note:

  1. If the Notes panel is not already open, on the web toolbar at the right of the screen, click Notes Image of Notes button..
  2. On the Notes panel, find a note you want to dismiss or restore. More...

    To make it easier to find a specific note, you can filter the list of notes displayed on the Notes panel, as follows:

    Enter information in the fields at the top of the Notes panel.

    • Show Notes For. Specify the type of records for which you want to see notes: Customers, Vendors, Inventory Items, or All record types.

      If you specify Customers, Vendors, or Inventory Items, you can further narrow your focus to a single Customer Number, Vendor Number, or Item Number.

    • Status. Specify the status of notes you want to see: Expired, Active, Future, or Dismissed.

      Expired and Future statuses apply to a note only if there is a date range during which the note is active.

    The list of notes is updated as you make selections, or when you click the Go button or tab out of the Customer/Vendor/Item Number field.

  3. Click Dismiss or Restore for the note.