Changing The Size of Text on Sage 300 Web Screens
You can change the size of text on web screens to smaller sizes than the default. Using smaller text lets you see more fields and controls without having to scroll. You can set text size for all screens, or for individual specific screens, as follows:
- To set text size for all screens, use the Text Size setting on the Settings menu on the welcome bar.
In addition to text sizes, this setting includes an option to Reset, which clears all text size settings from specific screens and resets all screens to use the text size selected here.
For more information about the welcome bar, see Finding and Learning about Features in Sage 300 Web Screens.
- To set text size for a specific screen, use the Text Size setting on the Options menu for the screen. (The setting is available on all screens that have an Options menu.)
If you set text size for a specific screen, the text size setting on the welcome bar no longer affects this screen. For example, if you set text size on the A/P Payment Entry screen to Small, the text size on this screen will remain set to Small regardless of the text size you set on the welcome bar (unless you reset, as described above).
Note: If you have integrated Sage CRM with Sage 300, Sage 300 screens always use the default text size when they are opened in Sage CRM.