Adding, Editing, or Deleting Currency Codes

Use the Currency Codes screen to create and maintain currency records.

To add a currency:

  1. Open  Common Services > Currency > Currency Codes.
  2. Specify a 3-letter code in the Currency Code field, then add a description in the Currency Code Description field.
  3. Enter the symbol you want to use for the currency.

    If the currency symbol you want to use is not on your keyboard, you may be able to enter it using the Windows Character Map on your computer. More...

    1. Choose Character Map from Windows Accessories.
    2. Select the Terminal font (IBM ASCII).
    3. Select and copy the character you want to insert, or press the keystrokes shown for the character (for example, to enter the symbol for Japanese yen, hold down the Alt key and then press 157).

    Note: If you use Character Map to specify a symbol, you should confirm that your printer can produce the symbol. If it cannot, enter a substitute symbol to ensure that amounts are not misaligned on printed reports.

  4. Enter information in the remaining fields. For more information, see Currency Codes Screen.
  5. Click Save.

To edit an existing currency:

  1. Open  Common Services > Currency > Currency Codes.
  2. In the Currency Code field, specify the code for the currency.
  3. Edit information in the fields.
  4. Click Save.

To delete a currency:

  1. Open  Common Services > Currency > Currency Codes.
  2. In the Currency Code field, specify the code for the currency.
  3. Click Delete.

    The currency is deleted, and so are all currency tables and currency rates that used the currency code.