Setting Up Class Codes
You can use this window to set up codes for up to four class levels used to sort and select payroll data.
For example, if you have five retail stores in the city you can enter class codes of NW, SE, WE, SE, and EA for the five locations. Next assign the NW code to employees in the Northwest store, SE to employees in the Southeast store, and so forth. You can then process payroll and print reports for employees in store order, for one store only, or for a range of stores.
- The data posted at the time an employee is assigned to a class will be associated with that class in the employee's pay history.
- When you print a report by class, the report shows the data associated with the class code or range of class codes you choose when you print the report.
- For example, if you print the Earnings and Hours report for a single class code, the report shows only the posted data associated with that class code.
- If you print a report by the full range of class codes in a class, the report shows data for employees with no assigned (blank) class.
- When you print a "current data" report by class, such as the Employee Information report, the employee's currently assigned class is used.
- Be sure to associate the correct class codes with historical data you enter in Transaction History.
To Add Class Codes
- From the list in the Class field, select the class number for which you want to enter codes.
- In the Class Code column, enter the first code, press the Tab key, and enter a description of up to 20 characters.
- Press Tab, Enter, or Insert to start a new line in which to enter each subsequent code and description.
- Click .
After Adding
- Print the Class Code report from Setup Reports to list the information you entered.
- Assign the class codes to the relevant employees.