Using the Accruals Report

For posted paychecks and entries made in transaction history, you can choose to produce:

  • An accrual report that shows the hours and amounts that have been accrued and paid. Choose to report in detail, in summary, or the current balances.
  • An accrual carry-over log that shows the accrual amounts or hours that were carried over to the start of a new accrual period.

Information on the report

The information on the accrual report and carry-over log includes:

  • Employee number and full name.
  • The check date and check number.  
  • The accrual and its description.

The accrual report includes:

  • The date that was entered for the accrual on the timecard, manual check, or transaction history.
  • The start and stop times that were entered for the accrual on the timecard.
  • The hours and amounts accrued and paid for the accrual.
  • Totals for all employees included on the report.

The accrual carry-over log includes:

  • The Carried-over Amt/Hrs. field, which displays the amount or hours carried over, after the specified maximum carry-over and maximum accrual have been considered.
  • The Actual Beg. Increment field, which displays any flat “beginning” amount that is added to the carry-over amount or hours, subject to the maximum accrual. (You specify the flat amount in the Beginning field of the Employee tab of the Earning/Deduction Codes setup window for an accrual.)
  • For example, suppose the maximum accrual was 10 hours. Suppose the carry-over was calculated to be 8 hours, and the Beginning field contained 5. Only 2 (of the 5 hours) can be added to 8, since the maximum accrual is 10. The Actual Beg. Increment field on the Accruals Carry-over log would show 2.

  • The New Beg. Balance field, which is the sum of the two fields mentioned previously, up to the maximum accrual. It is the starting balance for the new period.

Note: Information on the log is cleared when you use the Delete Inactive Records function to delete employee history.

To print the report

  1. From Payroll Transaction Reports, select Accruals.
  2. At the Report Type field, choose the type of accrual to report (vacation, sick or compensatory time).
  3. At the Report Format field, choose whether to report Details, Summary, Current Balances, or Carry-over Log.
  4. If you chose Details or Summary, enter the date range for the report.
  5. Choose to sort the report by Employee Number, Employee Name, or Class.
  6. Enter the range of accrual codes to report.
  7. At the Selection List field, you can select an existing employee selection list to print only the employees specified by the list.
  8. At the Employee Number (From and To) fields, enter the range of employees to print.
  9. If you selected to sort by class:  
    • Choose the class to sort by (Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4).
    • Enter the range of class codes at the From Class Code and To Class Code fields.
  10. To process the report, click Print. To cancel it, click Close.