Using the Duplicate SSN or SIN Report

The Duplicate SSN or SIN report identifies if a social security number or social insurance number is assigned to more than one employee.

This report reflects information that was compiled during the last time you ran the Find Duplicate SSN or SIN function (in the Periodic Processing folder). If you have added employees since then, you may want to run the Find Duplicate SSN or SIN function so that the Duplicate SSN or SIN report includes the new employees. The report includes:

  • Employee numbers
  • Employee names
  • A list if a social security number or social insurance number duplicate is found when the Find Duplicate SSN or SIN task is used.
  • The number of employees included in the report.

To print the report

  1. From the Payroll Periodic Processing Reports, select Duplicate SSN or SIN.
  2. To include full (not masked) social security numbers or social insurance numbers in the report, select the Show SSN or SIN Numbers option. If you do not select this option, numbers in the report are masked, so only the last part of the number appears (for example, ***-**-1234 or ***-***-123).
  3. Click Print.
  4. When finished, click Close.