Using the Transaction History Audit Report

Print this report to view the transaction history information entered for employees in Transaction History.

This information includes the employee name and number for which the transaction was entered, date and time when the transaction was last edited, the transaction date, a description of each transaction, and the amount of each transaction.

Notes: If Employee Level Security is enabled:

  • If you have access to All Employees (or you are ADMIN/MASTER), the report includes information for all employees.
  • If you have Selection List access, the report includes information only for employees whose transaction history you entered.

To print the report

  1. From Employee Reports, choose Transaction History Audit.
  2. In the Report Format field, choose to print either in detail or summary format.
  3. To process the report, click Print; to cancel it, click Close.

After the report prints, the following message displays if Employee Level Security is not enabled, or if it is enabled and you have access to All Employees (or you are ADMIN):

  • Make sure that the report printed correctly to paper or disk, before you approve printing. The audit files will be deleted when you approve printing. If the report did not print correctly, close this window and print this report again.
  • If the report printed correctly, click Yes to approve printing and delete the audit information. If not, click Close.