Using the Employee Selection Report

Print this report to view the information entered in the Employee Selection window for the specified Selection List codes.

Information on the report

This report includes information for each employee in the specified selection lists, such as; the employee number, employee name, pay frequency, and employee status.

Note: If your company is using Employee Level Security, you can select and print only the selection lists and employees that have been assigned to you.

To print the report

  1. From Payroll Employee Reports, choose Employee Selection. Or, on the Employee Selection window in the Employees folder, choose the File menu, then choose Print.
  2. At the Report Format field, choose either:
    • Selection List. Prints selection lists and the employees who belong to each list.
    • Employee List. Prints the employees and the selection lists in which they belong.
  3. Depending on the Report Format you chose, you can limit what is included in the report:
    • Selection List. Enter a range of selection list codes in the Selection List Code (From and To) fields.
    • Employee List. Enter the range of employee codes in the Employee List Code (From and To) fields.
  4. Click Print.