About Override Overtime Calculations

On the timecard, for a Salary and Wage earning that uses an employee calculation method of fixed, flat or hourly rate, and is assigned an overtime schedule, you can override the automatic overtime calculations that the program normally performs according to your setup options.

Note: If you select the Overtime Override option on the timecard, Payroll will clear and disable the Include In FLSA Calculation option for U.S. or the Regular Rate Calculation option for Canada that is available for specific earnings.

To override:

  1. In the Timecards subfolder of the Payroll Transactions folder From Payroll Tasks, choose Timecards.
  2. Select a timecard, or create one. If creating one, enter the fixed, flat or hourly rate earning in the table.
  3. Select the Overtime Override option.
  4. In the detail table of the window, the OT Hours Override and the OT Rate Override columns then display. You can edit these two fields only for an earning that uses an employee calculation method of fixed, flat or hourly rate.

    You can enter information in the table, or highlight the line in the table, press F9, and enter the information on the details window.

  5. In the OT (Overtime) Hours Override field, enter the number of overtime hours worked.
  6. In the OT (Overtime) Rate Override field, enter the overtime rate.
  7. Click Save.

The overtime hours are displayed in the lower left corner of the timecard.


  • The Overtime Override field applies only to the timecard for which it has been selected. If you have multiple timecards, you must select this field for each timecard where you want to override the overtime calculation.
  • The OT Hours Override that you enter will be part of the hours worked value that is specified in the Hours field.

For example, on the timecard, suppose the hours worked for the earning (in the Hours field) was 50. If you enter 15 in the OT Hours Override field and 20 in the OT Rate Override field, this means that of the 50 total hours:

  • 35 hours are regular hours.
  • 15 hours are overtime hours, to be paid at a rate of $20 per hour.