About Employee Templates

On the Employee Payroll window, you can copy information from an existing employee to other employees you are setting up. After you enter a new employee number, a field labeled Template prompts you for the number of the employee whose information you want to copy. When you enter the number of the template employee, the system copies all the template employee’s information to the employee you are setting up. You can then work through the window, modifying or deleting information that does not pertain to the new employee.

Consider setting up generic employees to use only as templates

  1. Set up employees without personal information that varies from employee to employee, such as street address and phone number.
  2. Enter the employee, earning/deduction, and tax information that applies to the positions you fill most frequently.
    • Then, when you hire a new employee, you can enter one of the generic employee codes at the Template field and part of employee setup will be completed automatically.
  3. On any employee record that is used only as a template, set its status to Inactive so the system does not process it during payroll calculation.