FRPOST Function

This function retrieves account and transaction detail information from posted G/L transactions. It can also retrieve transaction optional fields and account optional field data for the account specified in the transaction record.

Details can be consolidated or not consolidated. That is, if the result of FRPOST (or FRACCT Function) is derived from more than one transaction, and if the result is from an optional field of type Integer, Number, or Amount, you can print a consolidated total that sums up all values from the retrieved optional fields or print the value of the first retrieved record that has an optional field value.


FRPOST(field name, account reference, criteria, formatted)

The function can retrieve data from all G/L account fields and account optional fields defined for FRACCT Function, It can also reference transaction optional fields defined in G/L Setup, and the following G/L transaction fields:

Transaction Field Name Description
DEFCURNCOD Default currency code
FISCALYR Fiscal year
FISCALPERD Fiscal period
SRCECURN Source currency code
SRCELEDGER Source ledger code
SRCETYPE Source type code
POSTINGSEQ Posting sequence number
CNTDETAIL Detail count
JRNLDATE Journal date
BATCHNBR Batch number
ENTRYNBR Journal entry number
TRANSNBR Journal transaction number
CONSOLIDAT Consolidation occurred on post
JNLDTLDESC Journal detail description
JNLDTLREF Journal detail reference
TRANSAMT Journal transaction amount (functional amount)
TRANSQTY Journal transaction quantity
SCURNAMT Journal source currency amount
RATETYPE Currency Rate Table type
RATEDATE Date of currency rate selected
CONVRATE Currency rate for conversion


Currency rate operator


Argument Description
field name

The name of a field from the G/L account record, including account and transaction optional fields.

  • Account optional fields have an A. prefix
  • Transaction optional fields have a T. prefix
account reference A string specifying a single account or a range of accounts. See About Account Number References.
criteria An expression that imposes selection criteria on the accounts. The account reference and expression together determine the accounts that will be included in the calculation. See About Selection Criteria for Filtering Accounts.
formatted (Optional)

Indicates whether the return value should be formatted according to the presentation defined in the view. If omitted, the default is "Formatted." Use one of the following constructs:

  • "FORMATTED", "F", or "FMT"
  • "UNFORMATTED", "U", or "UNFMT"



Return Value

"1000","(POSTINGSEQ = 100)","U")
Retrieves unformatted transaction amounts for Account 1000 that have a posting sequence number of 100.
"1000","(JRNLDATE = 20100110)","U")
Retrieves the unformatted transaction amount from Account 1000 from January 10, 2010.
=FRPOST("ACCTDESC","1000") Retrieves the account description from Account 1000.
=FRPOST("T.QTY","4000") Retrieves the transaction optional value for QTY for Account 4000 for the inquired period.

Note: Account numbers and transaction date are shown in the examples; however, this information can be set in the report specification—the account number in column A, and other criteria, such as the transaction date, in column B.