A/R Process Credit Card Payments Screen


Use the A/R Process Credit Card Payments screen to process credit card payments for multiple pending invoices (invoices with outstanding payments), and to create receipts for the processed payments.

When you process payments, they are added to a receipt batch that is created automatically. If you process payments that use multiple processing codes, a separate receipt batch is created for each processing code.

Note: The date specified in the Invoices Due On or Before field is used as the batch date for these receipt batches.

Selecting Documents

By default, this screen displays all pending invoices that are due on or before the date specified in the Invoices Due On or Before field.


If you allow terms discounts for credit card payments, invoices with terms discounts do not only appear in the table if they are due on or before the specified date. They also appear if a terms discount is available on the specified date. For example:

An invoice for one of your customers is due on June 30, but it includes a terms discount if it is paid before June 10. In the Invoices Due On or Before field, you enter June 4. The invoice appears in the table, even though it is due after June 4, because the terms discount is available on June 4.

If you have an invoice with terms discounts that is set up to be paid in multiple payments (for example, three monthly installments), all the outstanding payments for the invoice appear in the table. For such invoices, take care not to process payment for all the outstanding payments.

If you want to process payments for a range of invoices, you can use the filters on the A/R Process Credit Card Payments screen to specify criteria, and then click the Apply button to see documents that match the criteria you specified.

In the detail table, all documents are selected by default. If you do not want to process payment for a document, clear the check box in the left column.

Tip: If you want to process payments for a small number of the documents that appear in the table, modify your filter criteria to produce a smaller set of results, or clear the check box at the top of the detail table (to clear all selected documents) and then manually select the documents for which you want to process payments.

If you want to print receipts after processing payments, select the Print Receipts After Processing Payments option.

Processing Payments and Creating Receipts

After selecting documents and specifying print options, click the Process Payments button to process payments and create receipts for the documents you selected.