A/R Check Payment Screen
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Use this screen to:
- View and edit the code for the bank from which a check refund is to be made.
- View the total amount of this refund to be paid by check.
- Specify whether to print the check using Accounts Receivable, and specify the check language. If you are issuing a manually written check, specify the check number.
When you post a refund batch that contains a check refund, Accounts Receivable asks whether to print the checks.
- In a multicurrency ledger, specify a different check currency. (The currency must be specified for the bank, in Bank Services.)
If you are refunding in a currency that is neither your functional currency nor your customer's currency, you also specify the rate type, rate date, and the exchange rate.
If you are refunding in your customer's currency and it is different from your functional currency, you use the Rates tab to specify the exchange rate for amounts you are refunding by cash or check.