A/R Activity Statistics Reports
You can print an Activity Statistics report for customers and for national accounts, if you use national accounts in your Accounts Receivable system.
The reports list information about the sales and payment history for the current year to date and previous fiscal year for the customer records and national accounts in your Accounts Receivable system.
Note: Most of the information on this report is also available on the Activity Statistics tabs of the Customers and National Accounts screens.
When to Print
Print the report when you need to check on customer account activity, such as:
- The last time a customer’s check was returned to you NSF.
- The average number of days it takes a customer to pay invoices.
- The last time a customer was charged interest on an overdue document or account balance.
- The date a customer’s balance was last revalued (if your Accounts Receivable system uses multicurrency accounting).
Information Printed on This Report
The Activity Statistics report lists the following information:
- Outstanding balance, number of invoices in the system, number of paid invoices, the total days to pay invoices, and the date and balance of the last statement.
- Last posting date.
- Last amounts and dates for invoices, credit notes, debit notes, receipts, discounts, adjustments, write-offs, returned checks, and interest charges.
- Current-year and last-year amounts and dates for the largest invoice and largest balance.