Printing Checks

You can print checks from the following screens:

Note: You can print checks while other users are printing checks, as long as the check runs are all for different payment batches.

Accounts Receivable includes some sample formats you can use to print checks and advices. More...

The following sample formats are available:

  • ARCHECK. Advice only.
  • ARCHK01. Advice-check-advice forms for laser printers.
  • ARCHK01A. Similar to ARCHK01. The check portion is ANSI-compliant. For more information about ANSI compliance, see About Clearing Checks Electronically.
  • ARCHK02. Advice and check.
  • ARCHK03. Check-advice-advice.
  • ARCHK11. Check-advice-advice for 11-inch check forms.
  • ARCHK11A. Similar to ARCHK11A, in ANSI-compliant format. For more information about ANSI compliance, see About Clearing Checks Electronically.
  • ARCHK14. Check-advice-check-advice for 14-inch forms.

You can use a sample format or change it to suit your company's requirements (for example, to adapt the formats if you use pre-printed check and advice forms).

To print checks and post the refund information to customer accounts:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Refund Batch List.

  2. Select the batch for which you want to print checks.
  3. Click Print/Post. More...

    Accounts Receivable performs the following tasks:

    • Makes sure that the batch has been listed if the Force Listing Of Batches option is selected (on the A/R Options screen).
    • Makes sure that the batch you selected is Ready To Post, and if it is not, provides the option to set it to Ready To Post and continue with posting.
    • Posts the batch immediately if all checks in the batch have been printed (or if the batch does not contain checks).

      Otherwise, if there are checks to be printed, Accounts Receivable displays the A/R Print Checks screen.

  4. Review the settings in the A/R Print Checks screen before you proceed, and review the list of checks the program is ready to print. More...

    You can change the following items if they are incorrect:

    • Check stock.
    • Next check number.
    • Number of leading checks. (Although nothing is printed on the leading checks, Bank Services needs the information to assign check numbers for the blank forms, to keep the audit trail correct.)
    • Report file used to print the check and/or advice forms.

      You cannot proceed with printing and posting checks without a valid check report file.

  5. Click Print.

    When printing is finished, Accounts Receivable asks whether the checks were printed correctly.

  6. Review the checks, and then do one of the following:
    • If not all the checks were printed correctly, click No, and then click Select Reprint Range. In the screen that appears, specify a range of checks for reprinting, and then click Reprint.
    • If all the checks were printed correctly, click Yes.

      Accounts Receivable returns you to the A/R Refund Batch List screen, and posts the refunds.

    After you click Yes to accept the check run (or the advice run if printing advices), the A/R Refund Batch List screen appears again, and immediately posts the refund batch to customer accounts.

    Once the check data has been posted, you cannot reprint the checks or advices.

To print a check from the A/R Refund Entry screen:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Refund Entry.

  2. Enter the details of the refund, selecting Check as the Payment Type for each detail you want to refund by check.
  3. Click Check Payment, and then on the A/R Check Payment screen:
    1. Select the bank code.
    2. In multicurrency ledgers, select the currency.
    3. Select the language for the refund check.
    4. Make sure the Print Check option is selected.
    5. Close the screen to return to the A/R Refund Entry screen.
  4. Click Save to save the refund.
  5. Click Print Check, and then on the A/R Print Checks screen:
    1. Make sure the correct check form is selected.
    2. Click Print.
    3. Review the check, and then do one of the following:
      • If the check was printed correctly, click Yes.
      • If the check was not printed correctly, click No, and then reset the print status by clicking the print status column or by clicking Select Reprint Range and specifying the number of the check you just printed.

    When you accept the check or the payment advice, if you printed one, Accounts Receivable posts the check information to Bank Services, and closes the A/R Print Checks screen.

  • The check information is immediately posted to Bank Services, but the payment information is not posted to customer accounts until you post the payment batch, using the Print/Post button on the Payment Batch List screen.
  • You cannot reprint the check once the check information has been posted to Bank Services. However, if you delete the payment from the payment batch after you print the check, Accounts Receivable changes the status of the check to Void in Bank Services.
  • You can delete payments (void checks) until you post the batch. Deleted checks do not appear on the Accounts Receivable Check Register.