Printing the A/R Customers Report
The A/R Customers report lists the information entered for customers in Accounts Receivable. It is one of four reports you can print from the A/R Customers Report screen.
To print the Customers Report:
- Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customer Reports > Customers.
- On the A/R Customers Report screen, select Customers for Report Type.
- In the Include area, select any additional information you want to include on the report. More...
- Address. Select this option to include each customer's address, short name, telephone and fax numbers, and contact.
- Profile. Select this option to include each customer's group, national account (if any), start date, currency, account set, billing cycle, terms code, credit limit and credit information, Print Statements option, interest profile, price list, customer type, territory, tax group, authorities, classes, registration number, salesperson numbers, and sales splits.
- Comments. Select this option to include any comments (and their dates) entered for each customer account.
- Recurring Charges. Select this option to include recurring charge information for each customer (if any).
- Optional Fields. Select this option to include the optional fields and values assigned to each customer (if any).
- Select the customers to include on the report. More...
- For Account Type, choose whether you want to include all types of customers, only Open Item customers, or only Balance Forward customers.
- In the Select Customers By table, you can choose one to four selection criteria to limit the customers included on the report.
For the first selection, choose from Customer Number, National Account, Customer Group, Billing Cycle, and Short Name. For the remaining three selection criteria, you can also choose additional fields to limit the customers.
You can then specify the range for each of the selection criteria that you choose.
If you do not choose any selection criteria, the report includes all customers with the account type you select.
- For Sort By and Then By, select the order to list customers on the report. You can choose one to four sort orders.
- Click Print.