Checking a Customer's Credit Status

You can use the Credit Status tab on the A/R Customers screen to look up the following information:


The information that appears on the Credit Status tab varies according to:

  • The credit checking options specified for the customer in the customer record.
  • The credit checking options specified for the national account in the national account record.
  • Whether any pending transactions are included in the credit check process.

To check credit information for a customer:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Customers.
  2. In the Customer Number field, enter the customer number, and then press Tab.
  3. Click the Credit Status tab.
  4. If necessary, specify filter criteria for documents, and then click Apply.
    • Aged By. Specify whether to age documents by due date or by document date. ClosedMore...
      • Due date. Current transactions are those with due dates that are later than the Age As Of date. The first period starts with one day past the due date.
      • Document date. The first period includes transactions with document dates that are earlier than the Age As Of date. Current transactions are those with the same or later date than the Age As Of date.
    • Age as of. Specify the date as of which you want to age transaction balances (such as by today's date or the last statement or billing date).
    • Cutoff Date. Specify a cutoff date, so you can include or exclude transactions that are more recent than the "As Of" date.
    • Include Payments. Specify whether to age amounts from prepayments that have not been applied to specific documents, or include them all in the current period. Applied amounts are always included in the same aging periods as the documents to which they apply.