Currency Codes Screen

Enter a unique three-character code to identify the currency. The code can include letters and numbers.

Specify the number of digits (from 0 to 3) that appear after the decimal point in the currency.

Specify the character that separates whole numbers from decimals.

Enter the name of the currency, using a maximum of 60 characters. This name appears with the currency code on reports.

Specify the format that indicates a negative amount:
- Leading minus sign (before the amount).
- Trailing minus sign (after the amount).
- Brackets.

Enter the symbol (for example, $) or standard abbreviation for the currency, using a maximum of 4 characters.
Tip: You can use the Windows Character Map to enter a symbol that is not on your keyboard. For more information, see Adding, Editing, or Deleting Currency Codes.

Specify the position where the symbol appears in relation to currency amounts.

Specify the character that separates thousands in large numbers.
Note: Depending on how your system is set up, this desktop screen may also be available as a web screen. For more information, see the Web Screens Getting Started Guide or the help for Sage 300 web screens.
Use the Currency Codes screen to create and maintain currency records.