Adding Customization Directories
You use the Customization Directories screen to set up directories where users can save customized reports.
You should keep customized business forms for users in d:\folder\program\language, where:
- folder can be any folder other than the one where Sage 300 is installed.
- program is the code for the application, such as GLvvv (where vvv is the version number).
- language is the language code for the application, such as ENG.
- When you specify a user's customized directory, you enter only d:\folder, for example. Do not enter the subfolders described above. Sage 300 looks for just one customization directory per company; it does not recognize more than one directory at the same level.
- To use custom reports in Sage 300cloud Web Screens, the Sage 300 application pool’s identity account in IIS Manager must have Read and Execute access rights to Customization directory.

Make sure the directories have been created.
To add a customization directory:
- Administrative Services > Customization Directories.
- Press Insert to add a new blank line to the table.
On the selected line:
- In the User ID field, enter the ID of the user whose customization directory you are adding.
- In the Company ID field, enter the ID of the company for which you are adding a customization directory.
- In the Customization Directory field, enter the path for the customization directory.
- Click Close.