P/O Purchase Order Entry Drop-Shipment Address Screen
Type the name of the contact person or position at the drop-shipment address, and enter a phone number, fax number, and e-mail address if appropriate.
If you are creating a purchase order from a requisition, the program displays the contact, if any, entered with the drop-shipment address on the requisition, but you can change it.
To ship an order to a customer from your Accounts Receivable database, type the customer number or select it from the Finder.
When you enter a customer number, the address and other information entered for the customer in Accounts Receivable is displayed, but you can change it.
If you are creating a purchase order from a requisition, the program displays the customer number, if any, entered with the drop-shipment address on the requisition.
Type the code for the customer's ship-to location, if any, to which the item will be drop-shipped, or select the location from the Finder. You can enter a ship-to location only if you have defined ship-to locations in Accounts Receivable for the customer.
When you enter a ship-to location code, the address and other information entered for the location is displayed but you can change it.
If you are creating a purchase order from a requisition, the program displays the customer ship-to code, if any, entered with the drop-shipment address on the requisition.
To send the shipment to an inventory location (other than the location specified for the detail line), type the location code or select it from the Finder. When you enter a location code, the address and other information entered for the location in Inventory Control is displayed, but you can change it.
If you are creating a purchase order from a requisition, the program displays the location code, if any, entered with the drop-shipment address on the requisition.
Specify the type of drop-shipment address you are entering. You can select:
- Address Entered— select this option when you want to type the address information for the shipment.
- Inventory Location Address—select this option when you want to drop-ship the items to an Inventory Control location.
- Customer Address— select this option when you want to drop-ship the items to the address of one of your Accounts Receivable customers.
- Customer Ship-To Address—select this option when you want to drop-ship the items to one of the ship-to addresses defined for the customer in Accounts Receivable customers.
Use this screen to enter or edit address information for a detail if you want the vendor to ship items directly to a different address than the inventory location specified in the Location field.
To enter a drop-shipment address:
- In the Drop-Shipment Address screen, select the type of address to enter.
- Select the location code, customer number, or ship-to location code for the address, as needed.
- Type the address, or edit the displayed information.
- ClickClose.
To edit drop-shipment addresses:
- Make any changes you need in the Drop-Shipment Address screen. You can change all the information in the screen, including the type of address.
- When finished, click Close.
To delete drop-shipment addresses:
Change the entry in the Drop-Ship field to No on the detail entry grid, or clear the Drop-Ship option on the Detail Items/Taxes screen.