About Optional Fields in Transactions

Purchase Orders supports Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator, a separately licensed package that lets you add optional fields to transaction documents (like purchase orders and invoices) and to each detail line of a transaction.

Note: You can use optional fields only if you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator.

To use optional fields in Purchase Orders transactions, you must first add them to transaction entry screens using the Optional Fields screen in the P/O Setup folder.

If you use the same fields in Purchase Orders transactions screens, optional field information will be passed as default entries from one transaction to the next transaction in the transaction cycle—from purchase requisitions, to purchase orders, to receipts, to invoices.

It will even pass the information to downstream ledgers, such as Accounts Payable and General Ledger—as long as you assign the same optional fields to each of the transaction screens and to the general ledger accounts.

Visual representation of optional field information flowing through a purchase requisition and a purchase order.

You can change the optional field information for particular transactions, and change which fields appear in each screen.

Optional Field Information Transferred to A/P and G/L

When you create invoices or general ledger transactions in Purchase Orders, the program passes the optional field values used in the transactions to Accounts Payable and to General Ledger if the optional fields in Purchase Orders are the same as the optional fields assigned in those programs. Optional field information will even appear in the General Ledger journal entries for Purchase Orders accounts, as well as in the Transaction Details Optional Fields report.

And, if the optional fields that you assign to Purchase Orders documents match the optional fields used for Accounts Payable vendors and Inventory Control items, the information entered in those programs will appear by default on transactions that you add in Purchase Orders.

Optional Fields in Generated Transactions

Purchase orders that are generated from requisitions, from low stock levels in Inventory Control, and from backorders in Order Entry also include optional fields.

If you use the same optional fields for invoices, credit notes, and debit notes as you use in the Accounts Payable Invoice Entry screen, the optional entries are transferred to Accounts Payable with Purchase Orders transactions.