Looking Up Purchase History

If you use the Accumulate Purchase History option, you can view sales history, and drill down to transactions for the years and periods for which you keep data. More...

You can use the Purchase History screen to display all items ordered from a vendor, or to display all vendors who supplied an item.

To look up purchase history:

  1. Open  Purchase Orders > P/O Statistics and Inquiries > Purchase History.

    Tip: You can also open the Purchase History screen using the History button when entering documents in the transaction entry screens.

  2. Select the range of year and period for which you want to see purchase history.
  3. Specify whether to sort by item number or vendor number. More...
      • Select Vendor to view all of the items ordered from and returned to a particular vendor.
      • Select Item Number to view all of the vendors who supplied a particular item.
  4. Choose your functional currency or the vendor currency, if you have a multicurrency system.
  5. Click the Go Go button button or press the F7 key.
  6. If you chose Vendor in step 3, the program lists all of the item details on invoices or returns for the vendor.

    If you chose Item Number, the program lists all of the invoices and returns on which the item that you specified appears.

  7. To view the transaction details for an item or vendor entry, double-click the line for which you want more information, or select the line and then click the Details button. The Purchase History Detail screen appears.
  8. For transactions that include serialized or lotted items, you can select the entry in the table, and then click the Serial/Lot Numbers button to display the serial and/or lot numbers for the selected entry.

To view the details of a transaction:

  1. On the Purchase History screen, click Details while reviewing history to see the details of the transactions posted for a particular vendor or item number.
  2. Click Close to return to the main Purchase History screen.